Research papers round-up

International Piers Plowman Conference London ‘My herte can thinke’: exploring intersections between the embodied mysticism of Julian of Norwich, trauma theology and the emotions through creative practice research. Responder: Nicholas Watson, Harvard University, Medievalist and Literary Critic. 7.7.23.

Yale University Graduate Conference in Religion and Ecology ‘Blue: a lament for the sea’ a creative-critical paper. 3.3.23.

International Medieval Congress Leeds University ‘Blue: a lament for the sea’ a creative-critical paper. 3.7.23.

Mystical Theology Network Conference, Titus Brandsma Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands “‘My herte can thinke’: exploring intersections between the embodied mysticism of Julian of Norwich, trauma theology and the emotions through creative practice research” 1.12.22.

Finncon Speculative Fiction Conference, Academic Strand, Helsinki ‘Imagining a new poetics of the fantastic and resilient through a medieval dream vision poem’ A creative practice paper on Piers Plowman. 9.7.22.

Hidden Door Arts Festival ‘Blue; a Lament for the Sea’. A hybrid long verse narrative about climate grief spoken amidst an immersive, abstract film by digital artist Jonathan Kearney. Performance by Liz Macwhirter on 12.6.22.

Voice PG Conference, University of Glasgow ‘Blue; a Lament for the Sea’ As above, performance on 10.6.22.

Historical Perspectives Seminar Series ‘Embodied spirituality: revisioning misogyny in late medieval Britain through creative practice research’. 23.3.22.

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