Research papers round-up

International Piers Plowman Conference London ‘My herte can thinke’: exploring intersections between the embodied mysticism of Julian of Norwich, trauma theology and the emotions through creative practice research. Responder: Nicholas Watson, Harvard University, Medievalist and Literary Critic. 7.7.23. Yale University Graduate Conference in Religion and Ecology ‘Blue: a lament for the sea’ a creative-critical paper. 3.3.23. International Medieval Congress Leeds University ‘Blue:… Continue reading Research papers round-up

Blue; a lament for the sea

A hybrid long verse narrative by Liz Macwhirter spoken amidst an immersive, abstract filmic vision of shifting waters. Pilot 15-minute show performed at Hidden Door Festival 12 June 2022 and Voice PG Conference, Glasgow 10 June 2022. An ancient Scottish Gaelic prophecy foretells a flood at the end of time. It proclaimed waters will sweep… Continue reading Blue; a lament for the sea

A poesis with dreamy medieval poetics at ‘Finncon’, Helsinki, 2022

Mid-way through my PhD is proving to be an exciting, generative time. Not least for the opportunities to give papers at international conferences such as Finncon in Finland. My visit to Aalto University in Helsinki was supported by a College of Arts Research Support Award and Publishing Scotland’s Author International Travel Fund.  ‘Hope and Resilience’… Continue reading A poesis with dreamy medieval poetics at ‘Finncon’, Helsinki, 2022

Research funded by the University of Glasgow

The second year of my PhD started with two funded trips enabling inspiring research on location, following desk research at home during the pandemic. For context, my PhD is a creative and critical response to ontological suffering in a pre-modern context that resonates with contemporary interest; that is to say, among other themes it draws… Continue reading Research funded by the University of Glasgow

Lady Macbeth by Liz Macwhirter

Experimental piece for my creative practice PhD at the University of Glasgow. LADY MACBETH As a woman, you’d think she’d be used to blood. A queen now, but she has butchered animals in her time – given thanks as she cut meat to strengthen her own flesh. Her monthly discharges, rinsing bloodied cloths, her fluids… Continue reading Lady Macbeth by Liz Macwhirter

Fake Dance-Off by Liz MacWhirter

FAKE DANCE-OFF by Liz MacWhirter Experimental piece for University of Glasgow PhD, in the style of FOUCAULT AND PENCIL by Lydia Davies Touch button on iPhone to record husband dancing on video. Act of touching button on iPhone alters angle of screen so bottom of lampshade now in view. Stop video, tell husband to stop… Continue reading Fake Dance-Off by Liz MacWhirter